zondag 6 oktober 2013

X for X-mas

Christmas is just around the corner, the fact that the night is falling sooner every day now proves it. I know there are still many other festivities coming up, but at the end of the day Christmas is the most special one of all. Last year it was an undecorative one, because I had mayor gallbladder issues that were undetected at that point, but caused me a lot of pain and sorrow. One Friday night, November 30th to be exact I wanted to start on it and finish it off on Saturday morning, but I went in labour and gave birth to Laura. Two weeks later I planned the exact same thing, but little Laura got ill and ended up in hospital.

Supersticious as I am, I figured I cursed Christmas and the other way around and decided to leave the decorating part for what it was. Christmas eve I regretted that bit so much that I have to make up for a lost one this year. First up; some cards... I've been working on some last night, but am not one bit impressed nor satisfied... Will need some more craft stuff to get it right. Nonetheless, here are yesterday nights cards...

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