zaterdag 10 augustus 2013


Amigurumi is extremely relaxing and fun to do as you can see your progress and what was once a skein of yarn becomes an animal or a puppet or whatever you are making. You can put your soul into it.

The first try is a struggle; getting the grip on a magic circle, crocheting in that circle and increasing and decreasing as you progress. Counting each and every stich, being frustrated if you miscounted and have to start anew. However, after a while, you actually SEE the pattern and the creation and you just go ahead as you please and see where your needle and yarn are taking you.

So, if you ever thought that you couldn't do it, that you're not creative or handy enough, skip that thought! Go and find yourself an easy pattern and give it a shot, let the first frustrations run wild, but don't give up; YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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